The ICA Training System is now based on a Raspberry Pi 4 (rather than 3B+), providing "snappier" user response, a 2nd HDMI port for connection to a monitor, and more performance for future features! This ICA Training System product includes: 1) Pool Training System (RPi) & SD Card; 2) Power Supply; 3) Keyboard/Trackpad; 4) HDMI Cable; 5) Quick Start Guide; and 6) over 500 "Starter Drills" from ICA and 3rd parties (such as Earl Strickland, Tor Lowry, Dr. Dave, and others).
The projector is not included. The specific projector needed is based on room and table size. Recommended projectors can be found on our installation and setup page.
ICA Training System(without projector)
We are confident that you'll enjoy your ICA Training System and find it is a quality product with features and content that will improve your game. However, if you purchase an ICA Training System and within 30 days of purchase are unhappy with it, contact to arrange a return and a full refund.
ICA offers shipping in the United States at no-charge. International shipping cost is country specific. Please contact for prices.